Monday, August 23, 2010

Just Another Day... the Hair Hall of Fame.


  1. Speaking of high hair, that observation window is at the top of the St. Louis arch. It's the gateway to a new frontier of hair .

    I'll never ride that tiny elevator again.

  2. Welcome to the Tiarra Town Ride at the Hair Hall of Fame. The Tiarra Town Ride takes HHoF visitors up, up, up high in the sky to the top of Tiarra Town, where small rectangular windows let visitors look down upon their "subjects" much like channeled baugette diamonds in a tiarra would look down upon the little people, while perched atop a Princess Up Do.

  3. gee, i thought that photo on the left was some kooky paddy wagon and the girls were off to the pokey.

  4. No Norma, don't you remember: That is the Hair Hall Of Fame prison outreach program where we travel once a month to the Women's Penitenteary and bring beauty into the inmates lives!

    We serve because we care. We serve because we're grateful to finally be on the 'outside'.

  5. We also service because we care. But that's a different story.
