Sunday, December 30, 2012

It's new year's, bitchez!


(oh, wait, well, somewhere it is, right?)

The Science of Hair

Mr. Cookie makes adjustments and final calibrations to the vacuum jet perm contraption in readiness of Norma’s weekly application.



Thursday, December 27, 2012

File Under "Gift Horse, Looked in the Mouth"

No good deed goes unpunished.  Being the big-hearted employer that I am, I decided to get the girls new uniforms for Christmas, 'cause they'd been wearing their old schmattas for ages.  Well, Thing One on the left is just pleased as punch - she was so tickled, in fact, that she decided to wear all her Christmas wiglets at once, poor dear.  However, it will come as no surprise, I'm sure, to learn that Thing Two wants hers two inches shorter.  I keep telling her that nobody wants to see that while they're getting a wash-and-set, but will she listen?  She will not.  Slut.

Why Prancer was late last night

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

We Cater to those under-the-radar Girls...

You know- like "Bess," and "George," from the Nancy Drew books.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

New year wishes.....

...from these five styling bitches!

Monday, December 24, 2012

And now, something from Stella, Ella, and their hair dos

Is this what they call Tai Chi?

And will you just look at that hair.  Silver like sterling and hard as a rock.

So what are you giving yourself for Christmas?

Maybe a new coat and hat?  See Lucite Box for ideas customized for you. 

A new party game?  Available at the HHoF Gift Shop; see Margaret for details and a demonstration.

Work on your balance and posture?  See Thombeau, please.

Fine Art?  Ayem8t has many fine suggestions. 

Some Fried Chicken?  See Jason for details. 

A Deluxe Lady Norelco with Beauty Tools?   MJ would be happy to assist you. 

Maybe a new look for that tired goatee?  Please see Muscato for design consultations. 

Overcome your social awkwardness?  IlDuce can help you become more confident and approachable.  

Expand your horizons through reading? See Donna Lethal, she handles all subscriptions.

Kick into Show Business?  Felix can show you the ropes. 

Or perhaps a home pedicure?   See Norma for a Demonstration.  She's soaking in it. 

Whatever you decide, go ahead, you're worth it. 

Merry Christmas, Darlings!

If Santa Claus Shaved


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Holiday Hairdon'ts

I don't care if it is Christmas - this time, Tan Mom has gone too far.

Never doubt the allure of a little mystery

Stop by the Gift Shop Today

and wish Margaret a Happy Birthday! 

If you're nice to her, she just might let you touch her balls.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Holiday Party In The Break Room!


Seniors Day

Here we find Norma teasing MJ.


Norma likes to stretch her used shower caps over lampshades for a quick dry between clients.

And That's The Sound...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Season's Greetings!

Merry Christmas! Merry Wigmas! Mary Wig Mess! Drunk.

Now playing in the HHoF Lobby

Margaret has plenty-o-pomade in the HHoF Gift Shoppe. 

Challenging Clients Nos. 1 through 7

They all want bobs.  We're going to need a larger broom.

'Tis the Season!

Monday, December 17, 2012

A public service announcement from the HHoF

This holiday season you must remember to shake, shake your hair. That is all.

Mama Weer All Crazee Now

The Magnificent Dave Hill of Slade, '72.

Super-short mental ward bangs are our specialty.  Trust.

Feeling Festive?


Ask yourself

What would "Doc" do?

Beard Safety


Saturday, December 15, 2012

tiny tots with their eyes all aglow...

will find it hard to sleep tonight
(and so will I)

Hair To Bump With.

This Christmas, check out our gift shop...

Fun and educational.   Do you want your kids learning about wigs on the street?

Thursday, December 13, 2012

You better watch out...

You better not pout.
Santa Claus is coming to town, bitchez.

Behind Every Great Hair Artiste... a talented staff.  Meet my backup girls; I poached them from dear Thombeau.  While I think he's forgiven me, he still mentions how much he misses Thing One and Thing Two.  I'd feel worse about it, but after all, I'm a boy on the go - between running a CafĂ© and running after two terriers - well, let's just say I need all the help I can get. 

One, on the left there, gives a mean mani-pedi, but if I have to tell Two about not leaving my older ladies under the dryer too long one more time, I am going to cut a bitch.