Friday, March 15, 2013

The Hair Hall of Fame Oath

In honour of our newest member, kabuki zero, your HHoF beauticians are taking The Hair Hall of Fame Oath.


Could someone please remind me of the words?


  1. Let's see.... I think it starts out:

    "I promise faithfully, with shears and tongue, to cut a bitch...."

  2. "I don't know much about clothes, but my hair looks fierce!"


  3. i pledge allegiance
    to the fag
    of the united pates
    of this here hair salon.

  4. "Miss Truvy, I promise that my personal tragedy will not interfere with my ability to do good hair. "

  5. I, state your name, due hereby pledge my life and career to making the world a more beautiful place. And to the enemy, namely wash and wear hair, I say unto thee "Satan, get OUT of my salon." For the Bouffant is my aspiration, but I shall not want. My duty is great than good hair, there is consultation with the client, shampooing, conditioning, coloring, trimming, rolling, drying, more trimming, back combing, shaping and my responsibility to set my work in Adorn, or White Rain if Todd isn't looking. And then, there is the gossiping. When My client walks out, her head held high, I shall gloat. But I shall turn to the next client and say unto her, What'll be, darlin'? So help me Vidal Sassoon.
