Sunday, November 19, 2017

Hairy Situation in Washington, DC

News out of Washington, DC that does not involve Donald Trump's hair.

Apparently, parts of the Washington, DC metro rail line have become so caked with layers of human hair that it presents a fire hazard.

Close-up of hair fibre accumulation

“I was flabbergasted — flabbergasted — at the amount of hair that’s in the Metro,” said Brian Sherlock, a safety specialist for Amalgamated Transit Union.

“Hair literally comes off of people and off of clothing and gets sucked up."

The hair gets sucked up into the tunnel, and collects on insulators that house the electric third rail. The felt-like lining is 1/8 inches thick in some places, and could pose a fire risk by trapping heat.

“The amount of debris is just beyond vulgar to think of,” Sherlock said.


  1. I'd say a real problem will be upon them when it's all pubic.

  2. It's a horrific problem and no one ever considered it a possibility. Here in Baltimore we have to deal with flushable wipes and globs of FAT, known as FATBURGS, choking the sewers.

  3. gee and all we worry about in philly is the piss...
