Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Another helping of the Aquanet casserole, please!


  1. Susan couldn't find her smile when the instamatic cube went off. The jello that she's slaved over was quickly melting into a puddle of red. That, and she was absolutely dying of envy over Carol's massive pile of teased locks. Was that her natural color or did that come from a cheap bottle of black rage? Susan tried to quiet her thoughts. At least SHE didn't look like a slut. Happy Thanksgiving. - Uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

  2. Guss looked across the table at his wife and wondered how could he lie about what he was thankful for.

  3. I'm thankful I discovered this blog this year. I love it!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. i think that candle holder on the wall is
    too busy, throws the whole room off.
