Who has the coolest hair?
Contestants from around the world come to the Takhini Hot Pools in the Yukon, Canada each winter to find out.
The purpose of
The International Hair Freezing Contest is to create the most creative frozen hairdos possible; you soak in the hot springs and allow the steam to accumulate on your head while the cold air freezes your hair. Like this...
And this...
And this...
And this...
If you can't wait to board a plane for the contest, the temperature in the Yukon is expected to reach a high today of 14°Fahrenheit or -10°Celsius. Either way, it's cold enough to freeze your hair. Although be advised: best hair-freezing results are at -4° Fahrenheit or -20° Celsius ...or colder. If it's warmer than that it may take longer for desired frozen results.